
Time Talent and Treasure

One of our most imposing structures built during antiquity, the pyramids, has as its foundation a triangle. A triangle is sturdy. When you look closely at a triangle, it is a structure that is not easily destroyed or toppled. If triangles are so sturdy, why are they not used in modern architecture? The answer is we do use them as the basis for most of our structures. If you look closely, you will see them in how we structure our modern buildings. What looks like a square or a rectangle is reinforced by triangular underpinnings or structures? The “humble” triangle is the unsung hero of building durable building structures.

There are elements of kingdom prosperity that I likened to a triangle structure. If you utilize all three, the construction you build for God will be sturdy because of these three elements. The three components are time, talent, and treasure. One indication that you believe God is what you do with your time, your talent, and your treasure.

Malachi speaks of giving to support the priesthood. It mentions the tithe, which is 10-30 % of what you produce. Although some do not believe in tithing as such, tithing was an excellent schoolmaster because it taught me to give. Tithing taught me that everything I have belongs to God, and he requires that I be a good steward of what he has given me. I began tithing in 1978, not out of fear but gratefulness. Not only have I been faithful in tithing and giving beyond the tithe, but I also give my time and my talent.

We are blessed to live in a country where we have choices. We can decide what we are going to study. We can strategize to make a better life for ourselves through hard work and determination. We are so blessed to be stewards of opportunities afforded us by living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Even our poor are more prosperous than 95% of the world. However, it is vital that we first seek God in everything. Give him control of your time, your talent, and your treasure. Everything that we have belongs to God and should be used to show adoration and as an act of worship – to glorify God.

I encourage you this week to carve out a specific time that you plan to spend with God. It is good to begin early in the morning as you start your day) or at night in preparation for the next day. Ask God how to bless the body of Christ and the local assembly where you are submitted. Ask God what he wants you to do.

One way to do this is to set aside time in prayer, singing, reading, and studying the word. In my youthful Christian days, I always had something available, a book, or audio that I used to educate
myself and retrain my human spirit. My day began with prayer time at 4 am, then I would wake my son up, and while we got dressed, I listened to ministers on the radio. I volunteered my talent to whatever church or ministry that I was a part of by using my gifts of administration. I was part of leadership in my local Women’s Aglow. I developed administrative and
training manuals, wrote letters of encouragement, and visited the nursing homes, etc. I made sure that I gave to the church, spent time with God, and sought to be a blessing to the body of Christ. When you surrender your time, your talent, and your treasure, he might give you an assignment that you had not considered but find great delight in accomplishing.

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